Save the date for next YEAH SDGs conference. April 21, 2021 (MDT)
Please visit our new website for more information!
Thank you to everyone who attended the YEAH 2020 Conference!
Some of the inspiriting and insightful students' submissions can be viewed on Padlet here.
Preparing the youth to collaborate for global environmental sustainability

Join us at the 2nd International Conference of the YEAH on December 09, 2020!
Welcome to the Youth Environmental Alliance in Higher Education! We are a group of people from higher education institutes from across the globe with a common vision:
Equip the youth with real-world experiences of collaborative and evidence-based approaches to global environmental sustainability.
The 2nd International Virtual Conference of the YEAH is a step toward YEAH's mission. We invite individuals from various research and academic backgrounds to share their research and knowledge of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals from any disciplinary lens. We promise to provide you a supportive and encouraging environment with like-minded individuals and academics from all over the world. You can choose to present a short talk, E-Poster, press conference or another type of presentation.
Abstract submission and registration are now closed.
Information on sessions and timings can be accessed here: Conference Program
Meet our Plenary Speakers
Opening plenary session
Speakers: Dr. Joyeeta Gupta and Dr. William Sutherland
13:00-14:00 MDT
Moderators: Macey Halgren (YEAH Fellow, Indiana University) and Amna Ijaz (YEAH Fellow, Michigan Technological University)

Joyeeta Gupta
Dr. Joyeeta Gupta is co-chair of UNEP's Global Environment Outlook-6 (2016-2019), published by Cambridge University Press, which was presented to governments participating in the United Nations Environment Assembly in 2019 and also won the Association of American Publishers PROSE award for Environmental Science. She has been nominated as co-chair of the Earth Commission (2019-2021) set up by Future Earth, together with Johan Rockström and Dahe Qin. She is a full professor of environment and development in the global south at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research of the University of Amsterdam and IHE Delft Institute for Water Education. She is also the Faculty Professor on Sustainability (2019-2024). She leads the program group on Governance and Inclusive Development. She was the lead author in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore and of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment which won the Zaved Second Prize. She has successfully supervised 18 PhDs and is currently supervising 24 PhD students in the areas of climate change, forest, food/fish, water and disaster governance, as well as in development challenges, such as food governance and child marriage. She has been on the scientific steering committees of international and national scientific programmes.

William Sutherland
Dr. William Sutherland is the Miriam Rothschild Professor in Conservation Biology in the Department of Zoology at the University of Cambridge. His research area is Population and Community Ecology, and he also has wide interests in conservation biology. He is especially interested in predicting the impacts of environmental change, particularly on bird populations. Some of this work combines field data and models while other work is purely based on field work. While much of his work has been in the UK, he has been involved in many projects elsewhere in the world. Another major theme of his research is using evidence-based conservation to collate experience of the effectiveness of interventions (he initiated and runs and then use this evidence to advise practice. He hopes that this will eventually revolutionize global conservation practices.
Closing plenary session
Speakers: Mark Boulet and Dr. Enrique Flores
16:00-17:00 MDT
Moderators: Emma Conrad-Rooney (YEAH Fellow, Boston University) and Paula Lopez Vargas (YEAH Student, La Molina University)

Mark Boulet
Mark Boulet completed Masters of Environmental Science at Monash University and his undergraduate studies at the University of Melbourne and the Australian National University. He is currently a part-time PhD candidate looking at issues of household food waste and consumer behavior. Mark's background is in environmental sustainability and education. He has worked as an environmental educator in Thailand, developed recycling and green purchasing systems for universities, and engaged householders in sustainable living initiatives. He is particularly proud of the six years he spent managing and growing, the multi-award-winning Green Steps training program for university students at the Monash Sustainable Development Institute. In 2011, Mark was awarded an Australian Leadership Award by the prestigious Australian Davos Connection Forum. As a BWA Research Fellow, he has worked on a range of projects involving the design of behavioural change interventions to tackle issues such as food waste, noise pollution, sustainable transport, stormwater pollution and wildlife management. Mark is also coordinator of the Understanding human behaviour to influence change unit within Monash's Master of Environment and Sustainability. This has been recognised three times as being amongst the top 7% of all Monash subjects based on outstanding student feedback. Mark tries hard not to bore people with endless tales of trail running, camping, hiking and outdoor gear. Sadly, he is not always successful.
Dr. Enrique Flores Mariazza is the Rector of the National Agrarian University, La Molina, Peru. He is an agricultural engineer with a MA and Ph.D in Rangeland Science from the Utah State University College of Natural Resources, USA. He served as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Agronomy and Rangeland Science at the University of California, Davis, USA. He is currently a Principal Professor and Principal Investigator in the Laboratory of Rangeland Utilization at the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering of the National Agrarian University, La Molina, Peru. He has published articles in indexed scientific journals, chapters in books published by FAO and the IDB on issues related to livestock, rangelands, and climate change, and he has conducted research on methods for assessing the condition and health of various rangeland ecosystems, as well as strategies to counter the degradation of rangelands within and outside of the Natural Protected Areas (ANP) of PerĂș. He has served as coordinator of numerous research, extension, and agrarian development projects.